Elder Care Servies Serving Coosada, AL
Below is a list of caregivers in Coosada, AL that provide elder care services.
Alabama Department of Human Resources
50 Ripley Street
Montgomery, AL 36130
Montgomery, AL 36130
For use to report abuse of an Elderly Alabama Resident by a family member in a Nursing Home or any other of case of abuse.Caregiver Assistance Disaster Recovery Elder Abuse Elder Law Helpline Insurance Counseling Legal Assistance Long Term Care Ombudsman Medicaid Waiver Medicare Fraud Prevention Nutrition & Wellness Personal Choices Senior Employment SenioRx/Wellness
Alabama State Health Insurance Counseling Program
770 Washington Avenue RSA Plaza Suite 470
Montgomery, AL 36130
Montgomery, AL 36130
The Alabama Health Insurance Counseling Program gives free information and assistance on Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, long term care, supplemental insurance, and other health insurance benefits.
CAAC-Seniors Centers
818 S Perry St
Montgomery, AL 36104
Montgomery, AL 36104
CAAC sponsors Sr. Centers in various community facilities where SRs. gather for lunch and enjoyrecreational, educational, physical and social activities. Home-delivered lunches available to home-bound older persons who are not able to attend a SR. Center.
Central Alabama Aging Consortium
818 South Perry Street
Suite 1
Montgomery, AL 36104
Suite 1
Montgomery, AL 36104
Elderly & Disabled Waiver for persons with full Medicaid benefits, SHIP-State Health Insurance Program provides insurance counseling and Medicare Fraud complaints, SenioRx/Wellness financial assistance through PAP for medications (age 55+) and wellness programs, Information and Referral assistance on benefits and services, AL CARES caregiver assistance for recipient age 60+, Ombudsman is authorized to receive, investigate, and mediate complaints made on behalf of long-term care residents, Senior Centers & Home-Delivered Meals in various community centers, Senior Health Fair, and recreational events.