Elder Care Servies Serving Monterey, CA
Below is a list of caregivers in Monterey, CA that provide elder care services.
Department of Social and Employment Services, Office for Aging and Adult Services
713 Laguardia Street, Suite A
Salinas, CA 93905
Salinas, CA 93905
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP)
1600 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Sacramento, CA 95814
HICAP assists individuals and families with Medicare problems and other health insurance concerns. Trained counselors provide information on Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance, managed care, long-term care planning and health insurance.
Monterey County Area Agency on Aging
1000 South Main Street
Suite 211A
Salinas, CA 93901
Suite 211A
Salinas, CA 93901