Native Village of Gambell
General Manager
Gambell Elder Nutrition Program, P.O. Box 90 AK
General Manager
Gambell Elder Nutrition Program, P.O. Box 90 AK
99742 (O) 907-985-5346 (NFT)
Driving Direction:
Gambell is located on the northwest cape of St. Lawrence Island, 200 miles southwest of Nome, in the Bering Sea. The City is 36 miles from the Chukotsk Peninsula, Siberia. It lies at approximately 63.779720� North Latitude and -171.74111� West Longitude. (Sec. 03, T020S, R067W, Kateel River Meridian.) Gambell is located in the Cape Nome Recording District. The area encompasses 10.9 sq. miles of land and 19.5 sq. miles of water. Gambell has a maritime climate with continental influences in the winter. Winds and fog are common, and precipitation occurs 300 days per year. Average annual precipitation is 15 inches, including 80 inches of snowfall. The Bering Sea freezes during mid-November, with break-up at the end of May. Average summer temperatures are 34 to 48- average winter temperatures are -2 to 10. Extremes from -30 to 65 have been recorded.
Special Notes:
Cities Served:
Gambell, AK
Zip Codes Served: