Elder Care Servies Serving Dover, MA

Below is a list of caregivers in Dover, MA that provide elder care services.

Baypath Elder Services

33 Boston Post Road West
Marlborough, MA 01752
About BayPath...Founded in 1977 as a nonprofit corporation, BayPath has thirty-four years experience serving and advocating for the needs of older individuals. As a designated Massachusetts Aging Services Access Point and Area Agency on Aging, we provide vital services such as information and referral, care management, in-home services, home-delivered meals, health promotion activities, support to councils on aging and senior centers, legal help, aid to the visually and hearing imparied, and mental health counseling.

Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging

360 West Boylston Street
West Boylston, MA 01583
The Agency on Aging will continually assess the changing needs of elders and their caregivers, and that we, along with others in the aging network, will strive to provide leadership in addressing those needs. We shall proactively carry out a wide range of functions, including planning, funding, monitoring and evaluation, promotion of interagency linkages, information sharing, professional education, technical assistance and advocacy -- all designed to lead to the development of a comprehensive and coordinated community-based system serving each city and town in our planning and service area. This service system shall assist older persons in leading independent, meaningful and dignified lives in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.

Executive Office of Elder Affairs

One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108

Health & Social Services Consortium, Inc.

1 Merchant Street
Sharon, MA 02067

HESSCO- Health & Social Services Consortium, Inc.

1 Merchant Street
Sharon, MA 02067
At HESSCO Elder Services we've dedicated ourselves to finding solutions to help those over sixty take full advantage of their later years. Our goal is to make it easier for older individuals and their families to access a comprehensive system of health and supportive services. Serving the towns of Canton, Dedham, Foxboro, Medfield, Millis, Norfolk, Norwood, Plainville, Sharon, Walpole, Westwood, and Wrentham. www.800ageinfo.com/map.


25 Foster Street
Worcester, MA 01608
MassMedLine is the state of Massachusetts' pharmacy counseling program. MassMedLine will help answer questions about less costly medication alternatives and provides help with enrolling in prescription drug programs.

Old Colony Planning Council Area Agency on Aging

70 School Street
Brockton, MA 02301
The Old Colony Planning Council is the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for twenty-three communities in southeastern Massachusetts. As the designated AAA for this region, the agency is responsible for the establishment of a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based supportive services and nutrition services for the elders in our region.

Springwell Protective Services/Elder at Risk

125 Walnut St.
Watertown, MA 02472
People aged 60 or older are protected under the Protective Services and Elder at Risk programs. You can call the Elder Abuse Hotline (800-922-2275) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to make a report.

Tri-Valley Elder Services

10 Mill Street
Dudley, MA 01571