Elder Care Servies Serving Lakeville, MN

Below is a list of caregivers in Lakeville, MN that provide elder care services.

Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

2365 North McKnight Road
Suite 3
North St. Paul, MN 55109
The MAAA is the designated Area Agency on Aging for the 7 county metropolitan region. In partnership with public and private organizations, MAAA helps elders age successfully by building community capacity, advocating for aging issues, maximizing service effectiveness and linking people with information.

Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging/Senior LinkAge Line

2365 N McKnight Road
Suite 3
North St. Paul, MN 55109
The MAAA provides information and assistance to older adults and their families to find community resources. With a single call, people can find services near them or get help evaluating their situation to determine what kind of service might be helpful. Call Specialists direct callers to the organizations in their area that provide the services in which they are interested. Information about senior services including in-home services, meals, transportation, chore help, respite, caregiver consultation, housing options, prescription drug help, Medicare and other insurance-related issues is provided.

Minnesota Help Network

540 Cedar Street
PO Box 64976
St. Paul, MN 55164
A resource where the elderly, people with disabilities, their caregivers and professionals can go to get information about long-term options that help people stay at home.

Minnesota State Health Insurance Assistance Program/ Senior LinkAge Line

Elmer L. Andersen Human Services Building
540 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
Program offers one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families.

Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care

540 Cedar St.
Elmer L. Andersen Human Service Bldg.
St. Paul, MN 55155