Elder Care Servies Serving Whitewater, MT
Below is a list of caregivers in Whitewater, MT that provide elder care services.
Area 1 Area Agency on Aging/Action for Eastern Montana
2030 North Merrill Avenue
PO Box 1309
Glendive, MT 59330
PO Box 1309
Glendive, MT 59330
Area I Agency on Aging oversees programs in 17 Eastern Montana Counties. Local County Councils on Aging provide services such as: Transportation, Skilled Nurse, Personal Care & Homemaker Services, Health Screenings, Respite Care, Senior Centers, Legal Services, Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals. Area Agencies on Aging also provide the following services: Medicare/Medicaid and Supplemental Health Insurance Counseling and Assistance, Information and Assistance in accessing and applying for other assistance programs, Certified Long-Term Care Ombudsmen who work with residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities on any concerns they may have regarding resident rights and The Commodity Supplemental Food Program provides a monthly 30 pound box of food to people 60 years of age and older who meet 130% of the poverty guidelines.