Elder Care Servies Serving Celoron, NY
Below is a list of caregivers in Celoron, NY that provide elder care services.
Chautauqua County NY Connects
Hall R. Clothier Building
Mayville, NY 14757
Mayville, NY 14757
Information and assistance helpline to connect seniors and people with disabilities to medical and non-medical services to help them remain independent in the community. This is a resource for health professionals and caregivers as well as people needing long term care. Local operator will screen and counsel you on all available options given your specific needs. All information is kept confidential and their is no charge for this service.
Chautauqua County Office for the Aging
7 North Erie Street
Hall R Clothier Bldg 1st floor
Mayville, NY 14757
Hall R Clothier Bldg 1st floor
Mayville, NY 14757
Services include health insurance options counseling, home delivered and congregate meals, home energy assistance, case management, in-home personal care & housekeeping, personal emergency response systems, senior employment, adult day care, elder abuse prevention and caregiver support, ombudsman, exercise and wellness programs, medical transportation and more.