Elder Care Servies Serving Aurora, OH
Below is a list of caregivers in Aurora, OH that provide elder care services.
Area Agency on Aging,10B, Inc.
1550 Corporate Woods Parkway
Uniontown, OH 44685
Uniontown, OH 44685
The Area Agency on Aging is the front door and your leading source for programs, services and information specifically designed to help older adults, disabled individuals and their families. For more than 30 years, thousands of people throughout Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne Counties have counted on the Area Agency on Aging - and we look forward to serving you too. The Agency offers free in-home Long Term Care Consultations to individuals of any age to provide information regarding long term care options. The Agency also provides 2 Medicaid waiver programs - PASSPORT and Assisted Living. The PASSPORT program is a home care program for individuals age 60 and older who are Medicaid eligibile and provides services to enable the individual to remain in a community setting. The Assisted Living Program allows eligible individuals 21 and older to reside in and receive services from a licensed residential care facility.
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
50 W Town Street
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
OSHIIP provides free information and other health insurance services to people in Ohio covered by Medicare regardless of age.