Elder Care Servies Serving Mowrystown, OH
Below is a list of caregivers in Mowrystown, OH that provide elder care services.
Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc.
F32-URG PO Box 500
160 Dorsey Drive
Rio Grande, OH 45674
160 Dorsey Drive
Rio Grande, OH 45674
The Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc. provides services on a non-discriminatory basis. These services are available to help older adults and those with disabilities live safely and independently in their own homes through services paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, other federal and state resources, as well as private pay. Our caring and competent staff work side-by-side with individuals and their families to arrange long-term care consultations, in-home services, and a number of other programs.
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
50 W Town Street
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
OSHIIP provides free information and other health insurance services to people in Ohio covered by Medicare regardless of age.
Southern Ohio
160 Dorsey Dr
Rio Grande, OH 45674
Rio Grande, OH 45674
Ohio's twelve Area Agencies on Aging are leading the development of the Front Door to long-term care services. Working with partners throughout their service areas, the agencies are working to streamline access to long-term services and supports for older adults and adults with physical disabilities.