Elder Care Servies Serving Pitsburg, OH
Below is a list of caregivers in Pitsburg, OH that provide elder care services.
Area Agency on Aging, PSA #2
40 W. 2nd st.
Suite 400
Dayton, OH 45402
Suite 400
Dayton, OH 45402
The AAA provides: 1. Answers on Aging Front Door-directing older adults to appropriate resources through information and referral and assessments. We are the designated Aging and Disability Resource Network in our nine county planning and service area. 2. Linking to community-based services-promoting independence by linking older adults with Older Americans Act specialized helath and social programs. 3. Administering in-home services, providing administration and case management for the PASSPORT and Assisted Living Waivers in Montgomery, Clark and Greene counties as well as the ComCare program in Montgomery County.
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
50 W Town Street
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
OSHIIP provides free information and other health insurance services to people in Ohio covered by Medicare regardless of age.