Elder Care Servies Serving Toronto, OH
Below is a list of caregivers in Toronto, OH that provide elder care services.
Area Agency on Aging, Region 9, Inc.
60788 Southgate Road S.R.209
Byesville, OH 43723
Byesville, OH 43723
We serve a nine county area from Zanesville to Millersburg, Dover to Steubenville and St. Clairsville to Cambridge. Our staff currently includes 70 full-time employees. We directly serve over 2,000 case managed consumers and assist over 30,000 more older adults through contracts and grant programs. Our budget includes over $25 million in local, state, and federal funds including Medicaid homecare waiver monies, Older Americans Act and State Senior Services Block Grants.
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
50 W Town Street
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Third Floor-Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43215
OSHIIP provides free information and other health insurance services to people in Ohio covered by Medicare regardless of age.