Elder Care Servies Serving Jenks, OK
Below is a list of caregivers in Jenks, OK that provide elder care services.
INCOG Area Agency on Aging (Indian Nation Council of Govt.s)
Two West Second Street
Suite 800
Tulsa, OK 74103
Suite 800
Tulsa, OK 74103
SERVICES INCLUDE: ADRC, LTC Ombudsman program, Senior Nutrition, Legal aid, Home-Bound services, Caregiver support, Cronic disease program, Respite care, Financial aid, and Information & referral.
OKDHS Aging Services, State Ombudsman
2401 NW 23rd Street
Suite 40
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Suite 40
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Provides advocacy services to people in residential care facilities. Investigate complaints of mistreat- ment and quality of life issues.
OKDHS, FSSD, Adult Protective Services
2400 N. LIncoln Blvd., State Capitol Complex
P.O. Box 25352
OKC, OK 73125
P.O. Box 25352
OKC, OK 73125
Investigates complaints of abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults 21 years and older. Investigates allegations of abuse of persons in residential care facilities.
Oklahoma Aging Services Division
2401 NW 23rd Ste 40
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
General infomation about state- wide aging services, Area Agencies on Aging and long-term care services Site Manager: LaNell Daniel (405) 522-3073