Elder Care Servies Serving Summerville, PA

Below is a list of caregivers in Summerville, PA that provide elder care services.

Jefferson County Area Agency on Aging

186 Main Street
Brookville, PA 15825
Services include: Assessment, care management, congregate meals, Domiciliary care, Family care giver, Soc/Rec/Ed/Health promotion, Home delivered meals & information assistance, Legal, APPRISE,Outreach, Ombudsman, Personal care, PDA Wavier, Protective services, Transportation, volunteer services.

Pennsylvania Senior Law Helpline

100 South Broad Street Ste. 1810
Philadelphia, PA 19110
The SeniorLAW Helpline is a free, confidential telephone legal service, staffed by attorneys, that is available to give Pennsylvania residents, 60 and older, legal information and advice.