Elder Care Servies Serving Bumpass, VA
Below is a list of caregivers in Bumpass, VA that provide elder care services.
Jefferson Area Board for Aging (JABA)
674 Hillsdale Drive
Suite 9
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Suite 9
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Legal Aid Justice Center
1000 Preston Ave, Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Charlottesville, VA 22903
The Legal Aid Justice Center provides legal representation for low-income individuals in Virginia. Our mission is to serve those in our communities who have the least access to legal resources. The Legal Aid Justice Center is committed to providing a full range of services to our clients, including services our federal and state governments choose not to fund
Virginia Department for the Aging
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23229
Richmond, VA 23229
Information, counseling, and referral on aging and long-term care issues for older Virginians and their families.