Elder Care Servies Serving Whittemore, MI
Below is a list of caregivers in Whittemore, MI that provide elder care services.
Iosco County Commission on Aging
P.O. Box 160
413 E. Main Street
Hale, MI 48739
413 E. Main Street
Hale, MI 48739
Homemaker, Personal Care, Respite, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, National Family Caregiver Support and Disease Prevention Health Promotion.
Legal Hotline for Michigan Seniors
3815 W St. Joseph Street
Suite C200
Lansing, MI 48917
Suite C200
Lansing, MI 48917
Provides free legal advice for MI residents 60+; Can also provide free pension benefit assistance to anyone in MI or with MI based pension problems.
Legal Services of Northern Michigan
1349 South Otsego Avenue, Unit 7B
Gaylord, MI 49375
Gaylord, MI 49375
Legal Services of Northern Michigan is a Michigan non-profit corporation and law firm that provides free legal assistance and representation to low income residents of the Upper Peninsula and the Northern Lower Pennisula.
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians - Elders Dept.
7500 Odawa Circle
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Also covers 27 other counties
Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program
6105 West St. Joseph, Suite 204
Lansing, MI 48917
Lansing, MI 48917
This program provides free health benefit counseling services to those aged 65 and older, those who are Medicare beneficiaries due to disability, and their families.
Region 9 Area Agency on Aging
2375 Gordon Road
Alpena, MI 49707
Alpena, MI 49707
Region 9 AAA Coordinates and develops a comprehensive service delivery system for the elderly in a 12 county service area. The AAA contracts state and federal funds for aging programs through a network of senior centers and other community agencies.