Elder Care Servies Serving Sequatchie, TN
Below is a list of caregivers in Sequatchie, TN that provide elder care services.
Southeast Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability
1000 Riverfrong Parkway
P.O Box 4757
Chattanooga, TN 37405
P.O Box 4757
Chattanooga, TN 37405
The Southeast Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability is part of a state wide network of agencies who work to assure that our state's older residents and individuals with disabilities receive the services they need to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. We advocate when it is necessary, work with providers to develop services and programs, and seek always to provide the information needed for both communities and individual families to make good decisions.
Tennessee Department of Health
Cordell Hull Building
Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37247
Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37247
Use this number to report abuse, neglect or exploitation of an older person
The Partnership for Families, Children & Adults
300 East 8 th Street
Chatanooga, TN 37403
Chatanooga, TN 37403