
As You Age: Ways to Maintain Social Relationships

It’s inevitable. As you grow up, you grow out of certain relationships. You get busy with life and eventually start families of your own. You still see some friends and nurture close relationships, but it’s a lot harder with all the responsibilities you have now. Especially as you hit your senior years, there can be a lot of complications that stop you from building or maintaining your relationships. Here are some ways you can connect with those around you and find a sense of community as you get older. 

However, it is important to remember that not all relationships are meant to be there forever. Some relationships are meant to help you through a season of life. There are also some relationships that may not be the safest or healthiest for you. Be aware and proactive in your relationships, and listen to your intuition. Maintain relationships that make you feel loved, supported, and positive. This blog will give you some guidance on how to keep these relationships alive and thriving. 

Make an Effort to Stay Connected

This one is easier said than done. Life can get away from you. Among the busy schedule, it can be hard to put in a conscious effort for relationships, especially outside of family. Reach out to friends and family by calling or texting them. Ask them how they are doing and if it allows, see if you can meet up with them to spend some quality time together. It may be challenging to prioritize this in your schedule, but will be so worth it. 

Consider Community Living

As you approach your elderly years, they can start to feel lonely. You aren’t able to do as many physical things as you used to and you may be living alone. A great way to socialize is to consider moving to a community living space. Assisted living Idaho is an amazing place to meet other people your age, participate in fun activities, and have a group of people that support you in this phase of life. 

Join a Club 

As you get older, you don’t have school or extracurricular activities to meet people and participate in. Find a local club or organization that you would be interested in being a part of. Find something that you genuinely enjoy, such as dancing, reading, or crafting. This will help you meet people that also enjoy doing the same things as you. It can also help you maintain good social skills, especially if you have gotten used to living alone for a while. 


If your body allows you, volunteer in the community. Whether that is helping keep the environment clean, making meals for the less fortunate, or reading to kids, volunteering can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and connectedness in your community. It will also give you an opportunity to meet new people that are also trying to make a difference. Even if you cannot do physically taxing volunteer work, there are plenty of other opportunities that involve different skills. You can find a variety of volunteer work in your community that will work with your lifestyle and ability. 


Relationships are such an important part of life, and it is key to nurture them as well grow and get older. It can be harder to find time when life gets busy, but at the end of the day, these relationships are what is most important. Good relationships can help us feel a part of the community and connected with those around you. Consider these crucial ways of maintaining relationships as you navigate through them in life. 

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