Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability

1225 South Willow Ave
Cookeville, TN 38506
(931) 432-4111 (O)
(931) 432-4111 (Info)
1-866-836-6678 (NFT)
1-866-836-6678 (SFT)
(931) 432-8112
8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. M-F (Central)
The Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) functions as the district's focal point and advocate for older adults and adults with disabilities in the Upper Cumberland. Activities include: Assessing needs and compiling plans, coordinating with other agencies, negotiating and monitoring contracts, providing public conservatorship for individuals who can no longer make health and financial decisions, serving as the initial contact for accessing needs for home and community based services and providing assistance to caregivers.
Special Notes:
Services provided through the AAAD are the foundation for improving the quality of life of older persons and other adults with disabilities by: creating community awareness of the needs of the target groups, generating resources to initiate and expand programs, coordinating with other agencies to address needs- such as housing, linking individuals in need with available services, providing hot nutritious meals, assisting caregivers, providing elder rights assistance and conducting home visits to determine individual needs.