Elder Care Servies Serving Granville, TN
Below is a list of caregivers in Granville, TN that provide elder care services.
Tennessee Department of Health
Cordell Hull Building
Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37247
Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37247
Use this number to report abuse, neglect or exploitation of an older person
Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability
1225 South Willow Ave
Cookeville, TN 38506
Cookeville, TN 38506
The Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) functions as the district's focal point and advocate for older adults and adults with disabilities in the Upper Cumberland. Activities include: Assessing needs and compiling plans, coordinating with other agencies, negotiating and monitoring contracts, providing public conservatorship for individuals who can no longer make health and financial decisions, serving as the initial contact for accessing needs for home and community based services and providing assistance to caregivers.